Monday, December 6, 2010

Gingerbread Man Vs. GIngerbread Boy

The "Gingerbread Man" and the "Gingerbread Boy" were two fairy tales which are quite different yet somewhat alike. They both were baked by an old lady, yet the purposes for making them were different. In the first story, the Gingerbread Man was made for the grandchildren. However the Gingerbread Boy was made to be a son to the old lady.
The two srories are the same however there are many differences such as, in the story "The Gingerbread Man" he was made for the old ladies grandchildren; however in the story "The Gingerbread Boy" he was made to be a son to the old lady. The Gingerbread Man had brown sugar for the coat, pink sugar for the mouth, rasins for the buttons and the eyes, and a ball of dough for his nose; on the other hand the Gingerbread Boy the cloves were for his buttons, and his eyes were peppercorns. In the story "The Gingerbread Man" there was raced; however in the story "The Gingerbread Boy" he had only talked to the horse. In the fairy tale "The Gingerbread Man" there wasn't a pig, and the animals chased him one at a time ; on the other hand in the fairy tale " The Gingerbread Boy" there was a pig, and the animals chase him all at once.
The simularities in the stories were that the Gingerbread Man and the Gingerbread Boy were both made by an old lady, and they also both got tricked by a fox but the fox thought that he would be able to eat them. Both strories have an old man in it. Both stories have poetryin it. Both of them ran away from the animals. They both returned home and had a happy ending.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gift Of The Magi

The story and the play are similar but yet different. The story and the play are similar in the fact that they both have the same theme that " It is better to give than recieve". Della had cut and sold her hair, so she could buy Jim a gold chain; likewise Jim had sold his gold watch, so he could get her the hair combs. Della cryed, because she was poor and couldn't find a way to get money for a gift for Jim. At the end of the story and the play Jim and Della were very happy that they got each other a gift for Christmas.

Altough the story has many similarities there are some differnces. In the story Della gets $200 for her hair; in the same way in the play she only gets $20 for her hair.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Acorn People- Day 10

Acorn People- Day 7 & 8

Ron and Dominic did their morning routine. Then when Mr. Bradshaw had come and told them that their group was in charge of the crafts. One of the cabins had gone around and labled everything. They were mad because, the kids had thought that they were being labeled, too. That night someone had gone around the camp sight and removed all the labels. The kids thought that their labels have been removed, too. Then they woke up the next morning and looked around the camp, and was wondering who had removed all the labels. Then Ron had told the kids in the cabin that Mrs. Nelson had removed the labels, because she thought they shouldn't be labeled of how they are. The childern in the camp had named her "HERO"!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Acorn People- Day 6

In the morning from Camp Wiggins, Ron Jones and Dominic took all the kids to find and climb up the Lookout Moutains. Dominic was in the front of everyone pushing Spider, next was Benny B. pushing himself, after Benny B. was Martin pushing Arid, and last was Ron pushing Thomas Stewert.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Acorn People- Day 3

Dominic & Ron have done their morning routine. Ron had gone to the bathroom to empty Arid's bladder bag, & it was cold. He said, " Thank god this is warm!". Then after the children were up and ready they went over the schedule. One of the rules was boys & girls couldn't be together. Dominic & Ron had taken them to the pool & the girls were there. They let the boys swim anyway then they played with a girl they liked. Then the children saw that a girl had a acorn necklace on. At the end all the adults & children had acorn necklaces. They said they were a Acorn Member.

Acorn People- Day 2

Day 2 at camp started rough. That day it was rough, because all the kids in the cabin have wet the bed. Ron haden't expected for the kids to be physically handicapped. The kids in the cabin are Benny B., Martin, Spider, Aaron (Arid), Thomas Stewart. Benny B. had polio which ment he had no use at all of his legs, and he was the one that thought he could be speedy gonzolis. Spider didn't have any arms or leg, all he had was limbs that stuck out like a tree out of the ground. Spider is also very active and motivated like Benny B. Thomas Stewart had muscular sclerosis, and he was the lightest of all the kids in the cabin. Thomas was only 35 lbs. Also, he hid all of his secrets in his eyes. Martin was blind, but always had a smile on his face. Martin would also rock back and forth. Aaron (Arid) Gerwalski had no bladder so he had a bag that his waste would go into. No one ever wanted to be friends with Arid because of his smell.